A map of new homes built since 2010 in Cheltenham, Tewkesbury and Gloucester
11.12.2018 ← BackOn behalf of our landowner and development clients, Context Land and Plainview Planning are undertaking research to help inform the current consultation into the Joint Core Strategy (JCS).
The JCS is a strategic development plan for Cheltenham Borough Council, Tewkesbury Borough Council and Gloucester City Council. The closing date for consultation submissions is Friday 11th January 2019.
It is vital to have your say and ensure that the right development is built in the right places. Early engagement in the process is essential.
Interactive map of new homes built since 2010 in JCS
The map below uses the latest Valuation Office Agency data to show were homes have been built over the last 8 years.
The map is part of our ongoing research into the effectiveness of the current Joint Core Strategy. We used Valuation Office Agency data to map all new housing built between 2010 and 2018. Each parcel of land represents a Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA). This is a geographic hierarchy designed to improve the reporting of small area statistics in England and Wales. The minimum population of an LSOA is 1000 and the mean is 1500.
As you can see, Tewkesbury has taken a large number of the homes, whilst Cheltenham has taken comparatively few. This is partly due to the green belt designation wrapping around Cheltenham and the many heritage designations. Nevertheless, it is our view that Cheltenham should be bolder and more innovative in the delivery of much needed homes.
What should you do?
If you are a parish/town council or a landowner in Cheltenham, Tewkesbury or Gloucester it is essential that you register your interest in the JCS and start to engage in the consultation process.
If you are not sure how to make an effective representation, and you are worried that your voice may not be heard, then contact us today for help.
The 15 questions
The consultation asks 15 key questions. Some of the key ones that will affect our clients are highlighted in bold.
- Do you consider that a comprehensive review of the plan is the correct approach for the JCS review?
- What do you think is a reasonable timeframe for the JCS to plan for?
- What are the strategic policy areas that you consider the JCS should cover?
- Do you consider any alterations to the existing policies in the adopted JCS are required, particularly in light of the revised NPPF?
- What are the duty to cooperate issues that the JCS review will need to consider?
- Are the vision, key challenges and objectives identified in the JCS still relevant?
- How do you think the JCS authorities can most sustainably deliver for our future development needs?
- Are there any justifications for departing from the Government’s standard housing calculation methodology?
- Do you think that there any other specific forms of housing the JCS Review should seek to address?
- There is going to be a need for sites to be identified for employment land. What types of employment land do you think are required in the JCS area to provide for the needs of different business sectors and where would it best be located?
- How can the JCS best plan for the changing nature of city and town centres to ensure they remain vital and viable in the future?
- Do you feel that the known development opportunities can play a role in helping to meet needs?
- Do you have a site you would like considered for inclusion in the Local Plans?
- What do you think is an appropriate definition for a ‘strategic site’ in terms of for example size, location and proposed use?
- Are there any infrastructure needs that the JCS Review needs to consider?